Remember When......A Mother Reminisces

1. Knowing the phone number to my OB/GYN by heart. Lord knows during pregnancy she and her staff became like a second family.
2. Picking out the perfect car seat / stroller set was more stressful than applying for college because my baby's comfort depended on it.
3. Sticking to a feeding, sleeping, and, let's face it, breathing schedule meant the difference between sane mommy and bat-shit crazy mommy!
5. The backseat of my car typically had a couple of half-empty sippy-cups containing warm, two-day old apple juice and there were star-shaped puffs and cheerios scattered about and in between the seats.
6. Getting my toddlers down for a nap seemed to take an act of Congress on some days yet I'd stop at nothing to see this goal achieved. Why? See memory #3.
7. Going to the library was a weekly event: story time, friends, and piles of books. My sons would check out the same ones over and over again. And, in case any new parents are reading this, exposure to books at an early age won't guarantee your child will grow up loving to read - but expose them anyway!
9. Watching "educational" television snuggled on the couch to try and decompress after a long day. Because, if the children weren't reading by age five, there was no way they would get into Harvard.
10. The sound of giggles - lots and lots of giggles, the kind that a young child makes when you blow raspberries on their bellies. One can surely never tire of those. Record your toddler giggling - I wish I had.
I can remind you to enjoy your babies and toddlers because they grow up fast - but you've heard it all before. What I will ask you to remember, when you're exhausted and ready to pull your hair out and when the crying and tantrums won't stop, is that there will be a day when you'll crave for the innocence of these days.
Moms and Dads of older children: What are your favorite memories of the first few years?
Loving them more and more each day, one of my precious moments were holding them and as they had their bottle holding onto my finger,a feeling i will never forget until this day....first day of school,, and then off to college you realize you really have to let go a little I could go on and on but i think you get the idea, they are the love of my life....
Awwwww - thanks for reading!
ReplyDeleteThank you and thanks for reading!
Deletehow very true it it! I heard a saying once, "the days are long but the years are short."
ReplyDeleteHow very true. Thanks for reading!
DeleteGreat article. My most favorite memory is of this time I was in the kitchen baking with my older two and the littler two ran circles through the kitchen dressed up as a horse and an elephant. Oh the giggles. I am blessed in that we still share these giggles every night. And I am thankful that I have another 5 years before college days start. I cried enough on the first day of kindergarten!
ReplyDeleteGiggles are the best! My 10 year old still breaks them out, but the 12 year old is too cool. Thanks for reading!
DeleteBeautiful written.
ReplyDeleteThank you and thanks for reading and commenting.