2017 - BRING IT!

In keeping with tradition, I am sitting here forcing myself to write a New Year's blog post.  And, while past New Year's posts have lamented on the passage of time and the fear that comes with change, I have decided to take a different approach this year. 

Some of you may remember that I actually declared 2015 as "one of the most tumultuous years of my life." Well, to be honest, 2016 only improved slightly, and as a whole, the universe did not seem happy. Ask just about anyone and most would agree that 2016 was a year from hell. Politics and world events aside, many people in general just seemed miserable with the state of our planet - and with good reason. 

For me, 2016 was another year of growth, change, and struggles. But, through all of it, I can happily say I survived and am looking forward to a new year with more adventures. Change is not always easy, but I am keeping the faith that all will work out as the universe so intended it to be.

The biggest accomplishment I am taking into 2017 is that my blog is now OVER two years old with consistent publications the entire time. And, while it hasn't made me financially independent (LOL), it has served some very important purposes. 

1) It has given me an outlet to express myself on anything and everything that gives me inspiration. 
2) It has allowed me to connect with readers and fellow bloggers, people that I have grown to respect and value as friends and colleagues. 
3) It has given me the opportunity to practice my trade (writing), even at times when I don't want to - a valuable skill to cultivate. 
4) It has enabled me to work with authors on editing assignments and book promotions. 
5) It has undoubtedly helped me land my latest professional career - working for a national non-profit as a grant writer/coordinator, which combines my love of non-profit / volunteer work with writing.  

So, with all that said, and now, for the first time, written down in black and white, I can justify all the late nights up writing, the times I made my sons wait "five more minutes" for dinner (which usually turned into an hour), and the countless hours working on ideas and promoting my blog. 

A few weeks ago, I announced on social media that I would be stopping my weekly movie reviews (weekly book reviews were stopped months and months ago due to time restraints.) The idea being that 2017 brings a slight return to the original purpose of the blog's inception - a personal journey. However, after discussing this decision with some that know me very well, (and, oddly, some that hardly know me at all) I have decided to not throw away the movie reviews so quickly. After all, they have been the bread and butter of my blog almost since the beginning. Discontinuing them would be like throwing away an old friend. Not my style. Plus, films give me so much inspiration. Therefore, I've decided there is no need to stop them altogether - but rather not pressure myself to write one each week. 

As I welcome in a new calendar year, I too welcome yet another era of my blog. Hopefully, one that will continue to promote books and films that inspire me while adding a deeper, more personal element.  

Thank you all very much for continuing to stop by, read, and comment on my posts. I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year. 

Read more of my blog here


  1. I pray all your dreams come true, never stop believeing in yourself, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens. you. Happy New Year.

    1. Thanks for reading and the nice wishes! Happy New Year to you, too!


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